Tag: Thanksgiving

Cranberry Pie, Revisited

  I recognize that the major pie holiday has just passed.  All the pies are made, and even the turkey leftovers are picked over.  BUT I made a pie that was so freaking delicious that …

Things that are important

My father would have turned 69 last weekend.  Sixty nine doesn’t seem that old to me – my grandmother is ninety three and still going strong – but in January, it will be five years …
Bourbon, cranberry and sage combine to make a perfect cocktail for fall and Thanksgiving.

Turkey Day Cocktail

We’ve talked about the turkey, we’ve discussed the stuffing, we’ve offered how-to’s on hosting, but now let’s turn our attention to a key element of your Thanksgiving dinner: cocktails! This cocktail, which I have dubbed …
Date Nut Pie, Pecan Pie with Dates, Date syrup

Date Pecan Pie

My father was a particular man, especially when it came to holidays. Christmas breakfast was ALWAYS pancakes and gravy. Fried chicken was essential on Easter. And Thanksgiving came with a long list of requirements, including …
Roast Parsnip Chips

Roasted Parsnips and My First Thanksgiving

The first Thanksgiving dinner I was responsible for was during my junior year of college.  I was studying abroad in London, and our program head offered to purchase ingredients and offer up the kitchen (in …

Warm Farro Salad with Roasted Delicata Squash

It’s November!  Which is the official kickoff to the Holiday Season!  Which, despite all the work and craziness, I love.  I’m totally Crazy Christmas Lady, but Thanksgiving also holds a special place for me – …
Thanskgiving Side String Beans with Herbs

Roasted Green Beans with Herbs and Scallions

I think of Thanksgiving dinner as existing in tiers of  necessity.  First, there must be a turkey.  That’s non-negotiable (unless you’re a vegetarian, of course, but we’re talking Norman Rockwell here).  Turkey is a core …
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