Category: Party Food

Totally Classic Potato Salad

There are certain foods that just scream “summer.”  Tomato sandwiches, of course.  Corn on the cob.  Watermelon.  Peach ice cream.   And potato salad. Of course, potato salad isn’t necessarily seasonal  – the ingredients – …

Crispies (Open Face Quesadillas)

Yay!  It’s snack food Sunday!  Um, I mean Super Bowl Sunday.   If you’re looking for an easy snack to serve at your Super Bowl party, look no further than these Crispy tortillas with salsa …
Fig and Olive Tapenade with rosemary and goat cheese is an easy holiday party appetizer

Easy Party Appetizer – Fig and Olive Tapenade

‘Tis the season for holiday parties – both hosting and guesting.  Conventional wisdome says you’re never supposed to arrive at a party empty-handed, and while a bottle of champagne is always a safe choice, if …

Yellow Cake with Chocolate Frosting

Yellow cake with chocolate frosting.  Classic.   If you ask most people what their favorite cake is, they will answer, “Yellow cake with chocolate frosting.”  It’s the cake of our fondest nostalgic imaginings, bringing to …

Crispy Chinese Garlic Chicken Wings

I mentioned recently that I’ve been trying to cut out starches and sugars, and it has made a huge and positive impact on my energy levels. It’s pretty easy to eat regularly – lots of …
Thanskgiving Side String Beans with Herbs

Roasted Green Beans with Herbs and Scallions

I think of Thanksgiving dinner as existing in tiers of  necessity.  First, there must be a turkey.  That’s non-negotiable (unless you’re a vegetarian, of course, but we’re talking Norman Rockwell here).  Turkey is a core …
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