Tag: chocolate

Peanut Butter Pie for Mikey

    When my dad died, well-wishers contacted me and asked, “What can I do?” How do you answer that question? “Bring him back” “Turn back the clock” “Make me feel better”? The truth is, …


<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/amusebouches/5428346682/" title="Brownies by The Domestic Front, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5136/5428346682_af15bc9e0a.jpg" class="aligncenter" width="333" height="500" alt="Brownies" /></a> Life has been kind of crap lately, for me and for a lot of people I know. And when I …

Christmas Cheer – Peppermint Pretzel Bark

The Christmas season is an exciting time for mail. Instead of the usual bills and solicitations (though there are plenty of those), each day's post brings cards from friends, and my guilty pleasure -- Christmas …

Candy Cane Faux-Jo’s

If you've read this blog for any length of time, you may have gathered that when it comes to Christmas food, I'm a traditionalist. We've had the same meal for Christmas dinner every year …

For Love and Chocolate Chip Cookies

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/amusebouches/4984973701/" title="Chocolate Chip Cookies 1 by The Domestic Front, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4147/4984973701_80f335d410.jpg" class="aligncenter" width="333" height="500" alt="Chocolate Chip Cookies 1" /></a> The Nuni has been quite complimentary lately, perhaps working under the theory that flattery will …

Bacon Salted Caramel Brownies

So let's talk about bacon. Apologies to my kosher and vegetarian friends, but I'm going to level with you -- Bacon is good stuff. Smoky, salty, a little sweet, with an edge …
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