Tag: low-carb

Healthy Salmon Recipe

Salmon On Curried Spinach

I told my husband last night that I loved him but what I really need is a 1950’s wife.  Someone who will hand me a cocktail and my slippers when I walk in the door …

Meyer Lemon Kale Salad

If you're eating vegetables for their health benefits, you'd be hard-pressed to find something betthan than kale.  Low in calories, full of fiber, and rich in vitamins, A,C and K,  it's commonly referred to as …

Chicken Liver Mousse

With all the holiday entertaining, it's nice to have a couple of good appetizers up your sleeve -- something that can be served to guests or brought along to a party. Something that can …

Carne Asada Tacos

<a title="LA Times Carne Asada by The Domestic Front, on Flickr" href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/amusebouches/5928508527/"><img alt="LA Times Carne Asada" src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6030/5928508527_cf4c41861a.jpg" width="500" height="333" /></a><br /> Now that I live here, although there are plenty of visits to the local taqueria, …
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